Happy New Year fellow pickleballers! We’re looking forward to a great year to come.
The Club had a very successful holiday get together in December. It was a fun time and nice to have a change to socialize off the courts. A big thanks to the organizers, Rosemary Fitzer and Nancy Hillegonds, awesome job! We’re hoping to have other social functions throughout the year so stay tuned.
Our ranks are growing, and we currently have around 140 members of the South Haven Pickleball Club(SHPC). Having this size membership, it is indeed important to keep searching for additional options for play. Adding after-hours play at the Senior Center(SC) certainly gained valuable play time for members not eligible/able to use the facilities during SC open hours.
We continue looking for possible venues to someday build permanent outdoor courts. The SHPC Board is also attempting to discuss the possibility of utilizing the green space left over from the old hospital demolition with Bronson.
In the fall of 2022, the pickleball community provided valuable feedback to the city via the Parks and Recreation Survey regarding the need to build pickleball courts. Members of the SHPC Board recently made a pitch to the Parks and Recreation Committee emphasizing the growth of the SHPC and proposed modifications to the final master plan. Thank you for your support over the first year of the club. We look forward to your continued support and participation in 2023.
Hope to see you on the courts,
Mike Sawyer
SHPC President